Friday, February 19, 2010

Tmnt Xbox Live Arcade What Is A Fun Xbox Game Or Xbox 360 Game That Me And My Girlfriend Can Play Together? She Has No Experience...

What is a fun Xbox game or Xbox 360 game that me and my girlfriend can play together? She has no experience... - tmnt xbox live arcade

It is not good in video games and do not want to play, to complex games like RPG games or sports games or shooters. We want to play together simple games. So far we have played Double Dragon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Xbox Live Arcade. These are simple enough to use with only 2 buttons to play to play. We also had fun at the game in the search for the word XBLA. Can you 4 or 5 games of fun on an Xbox 360 or Xbox regulars who play simple and easy to use?


krish k said...

lol, that seems quite strange, but piniata live, two games in the franchise are amzing incredibly fun, simple, gr8 graphics and literlally all can play with them too.
Additionally, you can play The Simpsons, relatively simple and can try to play with co-op.

Both are great games that anyone can play, but I personally love Viva Pinata and the new 1 (animal parts) looks good.

blue skies said...

Viva Pinata My friend was obsessed with this game

mikemont... said...

Xbox 360 = Dead or Alive 4 fighting game very easy to use 3 buttons, Guitar Hero 2 use
Xbox revenge = great fun and easy to carry or Halo2

Dan M said...

Guitar Hero is a game of sweat. You can beginners, easy to play hard or expert mode. So if it's not very good at video games can be played in starting mode. You are really in this game. Even if your friend is not good that still likes to play Guitar Hero. Viva Pinata is a fun and easy.

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